Start a Quote
  Monese Monzo Revolut Starling Bank Cashplus
Account fees & charges Simple account £0/m Current account £0/m Standard account £0/m and £4.99 card delivery fee Current account £0/m Activeplus account £5.95/m and £5.95 card issue fee
Current Account Switch Service No Yes No Yes No
Pay direct debits Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
ATM withdrawal limit £200 free per month, 2% charge thereafter £400 free per day, £5,500 free per month £200 free per month, 2% charge thereafter Up to 6 withdrawals a day with a daily limit of £300 £500 per day
Arranged overdraft cost Overdraft not available 19%, 29% or 39% EAR variable, depending on your credit rating Overdraft not available 15%, 25% or 35% EAR variable, depending on your credit rating Varies depending on your credit limit.
Savings interest N/A N/A N/A 0.25% - 0.5% N/A
Loan facility No Yes Yes Yes Yes
FSCS protected No Yes No Yes No
FCA regulated Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Deposit cash Any Post Office or Pay Point Any store with PayPoint Unable to accept cash Any Post Office Any Post Office
Deposit cheques Unable to accept cheques Post cheques to Monzo using Freepost Unable to accept cheques Deposit cheques via the app by taking a photo of the cheque Unable to accept cheques
Fee-free spending abroad Up to £2000 Yes Yes Yes Yes

*This comparison is based on the cheapest current account available for all app-based banks and is accurate as of April 2020

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