What does private healthcare for children cover?
Generally, private healthcare for children covers your child for acute health conditions, such as cancer treatment or pneumonia. It can also include quicker diagnosis of conditions and access to new treatments that aren’t currently available on the NHS.
There are three levels of private health insurance for children. Most providers offer the following levels of cover:
- Basic - basic private health insurance covers the cost of inpatient treatment and any associated costs when your child is admitted to hospital.
- Medium - includes the same as basic private health insurance plus some outpatient treatment as well, including the cost of seeing specialists and consultants and the cost of follow up tests.
- Comprehensive - covers all of the above plus physiotherapy and mental health treatment.
You can also add on extra benefits if they aren’t already included, such as:
How much does children’s private health insurance cost?
The cost of private medical insurance for children is dependant on many factors including your child’s age, where you live and what level of cover you take out. Private health insurance is typically cheaper the younger you are but premiums are often higher if you live in the North West of England, South East of England or London.
What are the pros and cons of children’s health insurance?
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Review Score
Basic Cover Quote*
Comprehensive Cover Quote**
Comprehensive Cancer Cover***
Levels Of Cover Available****
Review Score
Basic Cover Quote*
Comprehensive Cover Quote**
Comprehensive Cancer Cover***
Levels Of Cover Available****
Review Score
Basic Cover Quote*
Comprehensive Cover Quote**
Comprehensive Cancer Cover***
Levels Of Cover Available****
**This shows how many different levels of cover you can choose from.
***This shows whether the provider includes cancer cover as standard on all health insurance policies.
****This shows how many different levels of cover you can choose from.
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