How long do you need to be covered for?
Until you die
If you want to be covered until you die, you should consider a whole of life insurance policy. This type of policy pays out when you die, no matter how old you are or how long you’ve had the policy for.
Whilst you pay off a long term debt
Decreasing term life insurance policies are designed to run alongside any long term debt you have, such as a mortgage. This type of policy is taken out for a specific number of years and the payout decreases over time, in line with your debt.
You could also consider a level term life insurance policy. Like decreasing term life insurance, this is taken out for a specific number of years, however, the payout stays the same for the entire length of the policy.
Cover as you get older
If you choose to take out a life insurance policy when you’re older, the premium will typically be more expensive. This is normally because you’re closer to your life expectancy age or you’ve developed health issues. If you do find that premiums are expensive or you’re struggling to get accepted, an over 50s life insurance policy might be best for you. This type of policy guarantees acceptance and premiums are often cheaper.
How would you like the money to be paid?
Lump sum
Who needs to be covered?
If you want to cover yourself and a partner, you should consider getting a joint life insurance policy. Often, this type of policy is cheaper than taking out two individual policies, however, it only pays out once. You can choose whether it pays out after the first or second death but if it pays out after the first death, the policy will end and the survivor will no longer be covered.
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Review Score
Life Insurance Quote*
With Critical Illness Cover**
Minimum Cover Limit***
Maximum Cover Limit****
Review Score
Life Insurance Quote*
With Critical Illness Cover**
Minimum Cover Limit***
Maximum Cover Limit****
Review Score
Life Insurance Quote*
With Critical Illness Cover**
Minimum Cover Limit***
Maximum Cover Limit****
**This quote also includes £37,500 critical illness cover.
***This is the minimum amount of life insurance cover you can get from this provider.
****This is the maximum amount of life insurance cover you can get from this provider.